FH blonde 613 straight 4×4 lace closure

Product Name:Human Hair Lace Closure

Material:100% Virgin Brazilian Human Hair

Length:10inch – 22inch

Color: Natural Black And Blonde

Weight: 32g-56g/piece

Texture: Straight, Body Wave, Deep Wave,Deep Curly,Loose Wave,Loose Deep WaveKinky Straight,Kinky Curly, Water Wave, Natural Wave

transparent lace closure






Lace closures are typically made with a piece of lace that mimics the appearance of the scalp. The lace can be either Swiss lace or French lace, both of which are thin and create a realistic look.







Lace closures come in various sizes, including 4×4 inches, 5×5 inches, or 6×6 inches. The numbers represent the dimensions of the lace closure. The most common size is 4×4 inches, covering a small area at the top or side of the head.

4x4 lace closure
human hair closure






Lace closure is commonly used for making wigs, hair extensions, and hairpieces. They provide a natural look and feel, and because they are made from real hair, they can be styled and treated like natural hair.

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